Build A Strong Foundation for Your Federal Disability Retirement Application

For every reliable endeavor, foundations are necessary. Is this a true statement or a repetition of sorts that to achieve reliability, there needs to be good foundation? Are foundations the basis of reliability?

Most people understand that foundations are a necessary part of life; that it’s a universal idea. If we didn’t, then we’d have to stand watch over every building construction we wanted to go into. Review the blueprints and talk to all the workers involved in the project before we went into the building.

If this is the case, why are people so quick to disregard it when turning in a Federal Disability Retirement application to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management regardless of the type of worker the person is? They could be a Federal or Postal worker under the CSRS, CSRS Offset or FERS, and still, disregard it.

Consider it: What foundation does a Federal Disability Retirement case have? Of course, there is a disability, and you can’t have a case without one. However, how can a medical disability be proven and be proven to have a connection with the job of a postal or federal employee?

The majority of these employees just prepare their Federal Disability Retirement application and expect their doctor, therapist, psychologist or chiropractor to follow the scant instructions on the form. Then, turn it in with the rest of their application without taking a glance at the content.

It’s imperative that Federal or Postal employees provide their doctor with clear instructions on how to lay out a worthwhile foundation for their Federal Disability Retirement Application, and that you talk with an attorney that doesn’t just say yes to everything you ask about the application.

Yes, you also need to look hard at who you hire to represent you with your Federal Disability Retirement application and case. You want a person who is willing to help you build a strong foundation to submit an effective Federal Disability Retirement application to the Office of Personnel Management.


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