Employee Express Couldn’t Bear The Load; Customer Services of OPM Fail

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OPM and its cyber security has always been critiqued heavily by the federal employees and other experts of the game but there are not going to be many feds out there that will hold it against OPM because they have been taking as many steps to improve the infrastructure as they can. Although there have been made some serious alterations to the Employee Express platform and this has caused a wave a frustration to develop in the federal employees. This incident is another instance for other institutions that customer service is something that needs to be really uptight at all times.

IF you aren’t aware of EE, then it’s an online web portal that’s operated by the office of personnel management and it allows the feds to monitor and assess their personal data and salary information as well. They can even make changes in their personal details like address and saving plans directly into the OPM database through the website.

Why Employee Express caused OPM Customer Service to fail.

OPM had to face some serious threats from hackers and their system was made very vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This led them to make some changes to their networks and because they had to add some security measures, this cause the whole system to get slow. More and more people had to call the customer service desk and nobody got the response that they were looking for and the whole system metaphorically collapsed.

The management of OPM thinks that it’s only a matter of time till they can fix all the issues and the EE website will once again be made available for use like nothing was wrong. They believe that these steps are of substantial importance and they expect the employees to cooperate. The feds though are enraged and are demanding immediate repair of the web portal. Here’s hoping that things get worked out soon.

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