How to Really Think About What You Will Be Doing in Retirement

federal workers - Aubrey Lovegrove

Everyone has their own vision of what retirement will be like for them. Some will retire around the average of 63 without ever working ever again. Some will need to keep themselves busy and pick up some work to do. Some will stay at home and live their lives like they have been, while others will travel to all the places in the world they have always wanted to see and do things they have always wanted to do.

Whatever your plans may be, be sure to really plan them out and let the people around you know it. Because unfortunately, if you do not have your time filled, someone else will be happy to fill it for you. Sometimes, you won’t mind, but other times you will.

To ensure that you can live your life to its fullest, you have to take the reins, which include that of your time.

Before retirement, time was given to work, responsibilities, obligations, and our children’s interests and needs.

However, with retirement, those demands will lessen its grip so that you have more time for your interests and needs. But be sure to know what you want to do with your time and let others known as well so that they know you have claimed it and will not try to plan your time for you.

List out all the things you wish to do so that you can tackle a plan on where and how to allocate your funds so that you have a general idea of how much money you will need in retirement.

Then figure out where the money will be coming from. If the projected retirement income is not enough, will you continue to work to have money to spend on things you want to do, such as traveling or renovating your house?

Make sure to spend some of your time working on being healthy. And of course, be sure to do more active things early in your retirement before age catches up to you.

Just remember to be in control of your time to be able to take pleasure in your retirement.

Federal Employee setting up pension for retirement

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