The Federal Employees’ Union Criticizes Congress Budget

Federal employees may lose many jobs, pay and benefits due to the latest budget according to The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). The upcoming losses would be in addition to the $182 billion the federal workers have faced since the start of this decade due to the current economic scenario of the world.
Federal Employees

Federal Employees Not to Benefit from the Budget

American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. recently stated that the proclaimed ‘A Balanced Budget for a Stronger America’ would not be good for the federal employees as it cuts the backs of employees who play a key role in keeping the nation strong.

The Cutbacks on Funding

The budget would reduce the funding granted to the discretionary programs. The level of the funding would be lowest as compared to the last 8 years. Apart from the funding granted to the discretionary programs, the budget would also cut down on the jobs, pay and other benefits of about 2 million federal workers. These workers offer valuable services like processing social security benefits, guarding the border, inspecting the food or caring for the veterans. The budget also includes a motion presented by the Department of Labor (DOL) that reduces workers’ compensation benefits of federal civilian workers who have been killed or injured on the job.

The Earlier Cuts

It is a fact that since the dawn of the last decade the federal employees have dealt with cuts in their wages and benefits. The sum of these cutbacks has already surpassed $182 billion and will rise to a new level when the budget is implemented.

Important Aspects of the Budget

Though the budget proposal released by President Obama for Fiscal Year 2017 seems like a total loss for the federal workers, it does have some vital points covered. The budget offers a $10 a barrel tax on crude oil, 1.6 percent pay increase for federal employees and a considerable amount of money is proposed for strengthening the cyber security measures taken by the government.

The Harsh Truth

The American Federation of Government Employees National President also highlighted the harsh fact that cutting the compensation and benefits of the federal employees is not a smart move. Rather than cutting back on the compensation and benefits, the workers must be given additional benefits and compensation as it will motivate them to serve the people better. It will also be great for people if the federal workers take care of their problems and the nation will grow together.

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