Trump believes that All Federal Employees Must Sign an NDA

Presidential candidate Donald Trump is making the waves again. In a recent interview, he admitted that he wants all federal employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement. He thinks it will prevent them from telling secrets in a book if they underperform and are fired from the job. Though some federal employees do have an NDA as of now, implementing it across all federal departments might be a tough nut to crack.

Making a Law for Federal Employees to Sign an NDA

When a reporter asked Trump whether he wants the federal employees to sign an NDA, he said yes. He added that there should be a law for it. He thinks when someone is chosen by a man to hold some power in government, the person often leaves the government and writes a book about that man. This is not the right thing because the book can contain some personal and confidential things as well.

The Right to Free Speech

Some people may think that an NDA would limit the right to free speech. Trump answered it by saying that NDA’s are quite common in the private sector and implementing them in the public sector shouldn’t be such an issue.

Air Tight Agreements

When he was asked whether the NDA’s are airtight, he agreed with it. He used himself as an example and said that none of his employees has ever broken an NDA.

The Current Non-Disclosure Agreements

Currently, only the federal employees who are bound to sign an NDA are the people who work with ODNI or who have worked with ODNI in the past. The intel office has admitted that all the professional and personal publications made by these people are reviewed to ensure that no sensitive information is ever leaked.

It’s hard to cover all Federal Employees

A partner in the Federal Practice Group in Washington, Joanna Friedman thinks that it’s not necessary for the employees working for the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission or the Agriculture department to sign an NDA.

Practicing What He Preaches

Donald Trump also practices what he preaches. All the people working for him, be it an employee of the company or his campaign aides are required to sign an NDA. A recent report suggests that even the people who are signing up as his volunteers must sign and NDA. It seems his idea of imposing NDA on federal employees wouldn’t be an idea but turn into a law soon if he wins the race to the White House.

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