The New Military Retirement System Isn’t Bad


There has been a massive refurbishment of the military retirement system. The new system is more complicated. It is more of a mixed-up system since it gives a defined benefit pension from 40% pay for 20 years of service and a 401k design instead of offering the retirees the standard 50% of base pay after 20 years of service.  The new system includes a Thrift Savings Plan, which has the same contributions that one can carry even if they left the service earlier than expected. This is beneficial mostly to 83% of service members that don’t live long enough to get the old 20-year pension.  This is one of the reasons why the new military system is a little better than the old one. We compiled other reasons in this article. Ready to learn? Let’s go!


The 20-year pension may lead many people leaving the system while they are still young to enjoy more profit. This could lead to a more adverse selection of the people that make decisions on the ten-year mark.


Most of the new military leavers are likely to be veterans, who mostly think that they can get good jobs with a potential of advancing. However, the new system is entirely different. It ensures that the military does not lead to any workforce issues to the mid-grade officers and the staffs of NCOs.


How Can Military Cause Manpower Issues?


It can use the military system to do away with the retired personnel. Many mid-grade officers and staff NCOs are aware that they are there to stay. They only wait to reach 20 so that they can leave. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “retired on active duty.”


Due to the Prize offered by the system to lifer 50% or get nothing, the military is reluctant to divide people after they hit the ten-year mark. However, it can do away with the rubbles and focus on giving its best.


This new system leads to a reduction in the difference between defined benefit portion of active duty, the reserve pensions and the TSP savings, which are portable whether in or out of the military. Therefore, it could offer service members more convenience in their pipeline.


The Former Defense Secretary Carter had two elements in ‘Force of the Future,” a plan he had. The two elements were;


  1. Allowing career sabbaticals


  1. Increasing permeability among active and reserve forces.


The plan was supposed to give members a chance to take some years off or on weekend duty in the military for them to pursue other things and interests such as advancing their education.  The plan was also to enable smooth transitions to and from the reserves to active duty.


In cessation, the diversity and adaptability are vital to fighting wars. Wars do not only involve killing enemies but also other experiences such as education and experience in cyber warfare. If formulated wrongly, the new system might be a reduction in the benefits for the individuals serving for long. However, if done the proper way, it could be a platform for upgrading the service members and making them more prepared for future threats and giving the leaving veterans a good base of retirement savings.

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