Not affiliated with The United States Office of Personnel Management or any government agency

July 27, 2024

Federal Employee Retirement and Benefits News


USPS job bidding is an important part of the job.

USPS LiteBlue Basic Overview

USPS Job Bidding The whole bidding process of USPS job bidding on LiteBlue is fully automated. For you to be able to access and submit a bid on a posted assignment, you require your employee ID and PIN. Applications must...
TSP matching contributions offer an advantage for your retirement.

Matching Contributions for Thrift Savings Plan

The Thrift Savings Plan is an investment retirement saving plan that benefits federal retirees as well as those in the military. TSP matching contributions are the part of the TSP that the United States government contributes to their retirement savings...
usps postal service

Changing Your LiteBlue / PostalEase Password

By now, you will almost certainly have received your new LiteBlue / PostalEase password.
LiteBlue – PostalEase Serving Postal Workers

LiteBlue – PostalEase Serving Postal Workers

PostalEase and LiteBlue help the Postal Service provide service and structure to all the post offices throughout the nation. As I speak to a number of individuals they describe the Postal Service as just their local post office.
usps postal service

How To Bid Assignments / Routes on USPS LiteBlue

The process is, now, entirely automated, from the creation of the route posting to the award (by seniority) and then ultimately to the necessary personnel actions.
LiteBlue – How To Receive A Copy of My Postal Pay Stub

LiteBlue – How To Receive A Copy of My Postal Pay Stub

If you are a Postal employee you can easily find a copy of your Postal Service Pay Stub through LiteBlue
W-2 Forms: Request More Using LiteBlue

W-2 Forms: Request More Using LiteBlue

How to Request Duplicate W-2 Forms Through LiteBlue and from the USPS Employee Division. Postal Employees have a few different options when attempting to obtain a duplicate W-2 form. LiteBlue online, over the phone (through PostalEASE) or through the mail, is...

eRetire for Postal Employees – Retirement Applications on LiteBlue

eRetire for Postal Employees  — Retirement Applications on LiteBlue eRetire: The self-serve website application which gives employees access to their retirement plan through the LiteBlue ( web-site. The employees with Access to eRetire are (Retirement Specifications); Postal Employees within...
LiteBlue / PostalEASE

LiteBlue / PostalEASE

If you are a Postal Employee will need your Employee ID Number and your USPS Personal Identification Number (PIN) to Access PostalEASE (the telephone version of LiteBlue) You can call PostalEASE at 1-877-4PS-EASE (1-877-477-3273) PostalEase is the U.S. Postal Service’s...

USPS LiteBlue: Access to More Than Just Your Earnings Statement

is another feature available to you through LiteBlue ‘MY HR.’
LiteBlue "My HR"

LiteBlue: How To Use USPS LiteBlue

To use LiteBlue and view your information, visit the website ( You will find the site by clicking HERE or searching for on the internet. The site is maintained by the USPS as part of the United States Postal...
LiteBlue: What Postal employees should do on LiteBlue Before Retirement

LiteBlue: What Postal employees should do on LiteBlue Before Retirement

The information that is currently available to you on LiteBlue will be gone after your separation. Once you leave service LiteBlue will no longer be available to you, so be sure to download the following list from LiteBlue so you...

LiteBlue: Everything You Need To Know (

LiteBlue helps Postal employees stay informed and in touch with their careers. Login & other TSP Information Login & other TSP Information

What you can do when you access your TSP Account through


The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program is a group life insurance program administered by the federal Office of Personnel Management.
FERS Social Security

FERS Social Security Special Retirement Supplement

FERS Social Security Special Retirement Supplement A full career employee under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) with 30 or more years of service can retire at their minimum retirement age (MRA), which is between the ages of 55 and...
public sector retirement tsp

Contact Us

FERS Annuity

FERS Annuity

This article discusses how your FERS annuity is calculated if you are a federal employee.

FERS Refund of Retirement Contributions

Refund of FERS Employee Retirement Contributions When an employee covered by FERS leaves federal service, he or she may be entitled to receive a refund of their contributions to FERs. This article discusses issues related to such a refund. In...
TSP millionaire by Bill Eager

Picking Smarter Investments in Your TSP. Sponsored By: Todd Carmack

Picking Smarter Investments in Your TSP:  Todd Carmack If done carefully, it’s possible to use the government’s plan for retirement to your benefit. Almost five million people keep some or all of their savings for retirement in the United States...
federal employee retirement

How to Submit Your ‘Healthy’ and Complete Federal Retirement Application. Sponsored By: Jeff Boettcher

If you are currently going through the process of planning your retirement, you will need to submit a complete federal retirement application
retirement savings

Americans with a DC Plan more Optimistic about Retirement Savings

A new survey has revealed that the Americans who have a DC plan are more optimistic about their retirement savings. The satisfaction was mapped against the data collected in 2012. People were also more optimistic about not having to work...

Pay Freeze Backed By House

Insuring While Investing

Careful investment in the TSP can be a great idea

Strong Gains for the TSP

Importance of Sick Leave

Importance of Sick Leave

retirement benefits

Linda Jensen | How to Pay Less Taxes on Your Federal Retirement Income

If you want to pay less tax on your federal retirement income, you should read this article offering tips on saving tax and avoiding penalties.

The Blended Retirement System

More than 1.5 million individuals are qualified to decide their future military retirement benefit. The new law which has
Linda Jensen

Linda Jensen | How to make the most out of your TSP Plan

LINDA JENSEN – The Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, is a retirement fund plan for the Federal employees. Individuals from uniformed services such as the Ready Reserve can also avail this plan. The Thrift savings plan was created in the...

What Happens to your Debt when you Die?

  Upon an individual’s death, they leave substantial amounts of debt. Sometimes, your debt obligation may end upon your death. Beware though that if you didn’t plan accordingly, creditors may wipe out your accumulated investments, assets, or savings. As a...

Top 9 Tips for Planning Your Retirement

Between 2006 and 2016, there was a 33% rise in Americans aged over 65 to 49.2 million. What’s more, it is expected that by 2060 this figure will double. For this reason, it is imperative that you prepare accordingly as...

Americans at Risk of Bankruptcy during Retirement

Typically, bankruptcy is a considerable risk for retirees though recent saving trends portend a rosy picture. Data indicates that the number of retirees with less than $10,000 is declining. It fell from 55% to 42%according to a GoBankingRates survey. Besides,...

Majority of Americans Ill-Prepared for Financial Disaster

In the event of an emergency, 40% of Americans will need to sell something off or take out a loan to raise $400. A 2017 survey of 12,000 people by the Federal Reserve indicates that retirement is far from rosy for...

Dealing With Debt For A Happy Retirement

If you find yourself still struggling with loans and credit card payments now that you’re approaching retirement, you’re not alone.  With an average debt of nearly $40,000 in older households, America is still adapting to changes in life expectancy and the...

Don’t Just Rely On Social Security To Help You During Retirement

Anybody who wants to live comfortably during retirement – that doesn’t involve working part-time – should not rely on just Social Security income. This advice comes directly from the Social Security Administration. According to the SSA, only a minute amount...

An Uncertain Path To Retirement

Planning for your retirement is a daunting task for most of us, even for federal employees. Various interrelated factors may complicate this process. Nowadays, conventional retirement plans either have disappeared, or existing ones (like FERS) are becoming less adequate. On...

Top 5 Retirement Questions

Ideally, it is important that you create a written statement of your retirement plan. Your retirement plan should be simple rather than complex or verbose. According to surveys, having a written plan contributes to feelings of satisfaction in the long...
retirement savings

Safeguard Your Retirement with the Right Investments

Typically, investors receive the same admonishment any time markets perform poorly: don’t abandon ship! You should take this advice with a pinch of salt. Properly, investing your resources depends on your age and financial goals.   In the light of...

Maximizing the Sweet Spot Years of Your Retirement

  As you approach your retirement, it is high time you address your tax obligations. Retirement’s sweet spot is the period between formal retirement and when you begin accessing RMDs from your 401(k) plan or your individual retirement plan. Typically,...

Top 4 Tips For Evaluating Life Insurance

Life insurance replaces your income in case of an early demise. It provides protection to a spouse, children, or other dependents. Often it is challenging determining how much life insurance is sufficient for your unique needs. Here are four tips...

Maximizing the Sweet Spot Years of Your Retirement

As you approach your retirement, it is high time you address your tax obligations. Retirement’s sweet spot is the period between formal retirement and when you begin accessing RMDs from your 401(k) plan or your individual retirement plan. Typically, this...

New Contribution Limits Of The Thrift Savings Plan

  Military personnel and federal employees can put hundreds of dollars more toward their retirement thanks to the rise in contribution Thrift Savings Plan limits.   The most that can be contributed to a TSP account is $18,500, which is...
Pay raises for federal employees

Military Service Members Overlooking Key Step While Enrolling In Blended Retirement System

It appears that more military service members are choosing the blended retirement system but overlooking an important step. That’s the word coming from the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. According to the Director of the FRTIB’s Participant’s Services Tee Ramos,...
A tackle

9 Things The RSC Budget Is Tackling To Get Control Over Federal Deficit

The Republican Study Committee recently unveiled its yearly budget proposal – A Framework for Unified Conservatism – for the 2019 fiscal year. The proposal mirrors many recent Trump Administration and other legislative proposals to diminish the pay and benefits of...
Donald Trump

White House Stands Behind 2019 Pay Freeze

The fiscal budget proposal for 2019 put out by the White House on February 10th had some unpleasant tidings for employees of the federal government. The Trump Administration’s suggestion of a pay freeze was one of the most worrisome. For...
Michael Wood

Why Commodities Could Be A Secondary Investment Option To Your TSP Investment | Michael Wood

MICHAEL WOOD —The Thrift Savings Plans is a great investment option for people with stocks and bonds. However, if they have another investment account such as an IRA, holding onto some assets besides these can expand one’s wealth and offer...

TSP’s I Fund To See A Much Brighter Future With FRTIB’s Change

In November 2017, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board option to expand its I Fund, which included the following: small-capitalization businesses, emerging markets, and Canada. You can read the full plan by checking out their November meeting minutes. In a...
An empty mailbox

Rural America’s Postal Service is Slowly Crumbling

Recently, President Donald Trump announced that there would be drastic cuts in federal retirement benefits that would affect current and future employees attempting to retire. Among other changes, the retirement system would take a $143.5 billion cut in funding. In the...
Framework for Unified Conservatism Creates Challenges

Framework for Unified Conservatism Creates Challenges for Federal Offices

A large number of government employees are up in arms about the Republican’s 2019 budget proposal. The GOP has termed the legislative proposal, A Framework for Unified Conservatism. After watching a House of Representatives led by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),...

How Medicare Works with Self +!

Health expenses are increasing with no real signs of slowing down any time soon. And for seniors, the costs can be astronomical. Of course, most employees and retirees when they turn 65, will see Medicare covering most of these expenses....
Federal Retirement Planning is not easy to understand.

Thrift Board To Search For New I and F Fund Managers

  The Thrift Board revealed that new managers for its F and I Funds would be chosen. In November 2017, the Board sent out a “Request for Proposals” for a new F Fund manager, and it hopes a decision on...
investing doesn't have to be hard.

Stock Market Fluctuations Increase as Giants Stumble

Data compiled by Bloomberg reveals that according to the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, there has been a massive drop in stock prices. The US stock markets valuation has experienced a 10% drop in the last couple of days. This...
Trade war rumlings have set many on edge

Trade Wars Increase Financial Tension

President Trump was true to his word when he told the nation he intended to enter into a trade war with China. Whether or not he was telling the truth when he said it would be “easy to win,” has...
Notebook Finance and Retirement Savings

Downturns in Financial Markets Leave Upcoming Retirees Shaken

Financial markets recently took a massive swing into volatility, with the Dow Jones average fluctuating by hundreds of points in a single day- last Tuesday, the blue-chip benchmark plummeted 1.7%, making it the longest streak of losing sessions since March...

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